How Semi Permanent Makeup Developed and What the Future Holds

How Semi Permanent Makeup Developed and What the Future Holds. The evolution of SPMU from a niche practice to a mainstream beauty solution.

How Semi Permanent Makeup Developed and What the Future Holds

How Semi Permanent Makeup Developed and What the Future Holds


Introduction to semi-permanent makeup

  • Definition and purpose
  • Evolution over time

Historical background of semi-permanent makeup

  • Origins
  • Early techniques and materials

Development of semi-permanent makeup techniques

  • Advancements in technology
  • Introduction of microblading
  • Innovation in pigment formulations

Popularity and acceptance

  • Influential factors
  • Celebrity endorsements

Safety considerations and regulations

  • Importance of certified technicians
  • Regulatory standards

The future of semi-permanent makeup

  • Emerging trends
  • Technological advancements
  • Potential challenges and opportunities



How Semi Permanent Makeup Developed and What the Future Holds. The evolution of SPMU from a niche practice to a mainstream beauty solution.

How Semi Permanent Makeup Developed and What the Future Holds

Introduction to Semi-Permanent Makeup

Semi-permanent makeup, also known as micropigmentation or cosmetic tattooing, is a procedure that involves depositing pigment into the skin’s dermal layer to enhance facial features. This technique has gained significant popularity in recent years due to its ability to provide long-lasting results. The evolution of semi-permanent makeup has transformed it from a niche practice to a mainstream beauty solution.

Historical Background of Semi-Permanent Makeup

The practice of semi-permanent makeup can be traced back centuries, with evidence of its use dating back to ancient civilisations such as Egypt and Japan. Early techniques often involved crude tools and natural pigments derived from plants and minerals. These methods laid the foundation for the modern procedures we see today.

Development of Semi-Permanent Makeup Techniques

Advancements in technology have revolutionised the field of semi-permanent makeup. Traditional tattooing techniques have been refined, and specialised equipment has been developed to achieve more precise and natural-looking results. One of the most significant breakthroughs in recent years is the introduction of microblading, a semi-permanent eyebrow enhancement technique that mimics the appearance of natural hair strokes.

In addition to improved tools, there have been innovations in pigment formulations, resulting in a broader range of colours and longer-lasting results. These developments have contributed to the growing popularity of semi-permanent makeup among individuals seeking to enhance their appearance with minimal upkeep.

How Semi Permanent Makeup Developed and What the Future Holds

Popularity and Acceptance

Semi-permanent makeup has become increasingly popular across all age groups and demographics. Influential factors such as social media, celebrity endorsements, and changing beauty standards have contributed to its widespread acceptance. Celebrities and influencers often showcase their semi-permanent makeup transformations, further fueling its popularity and mainstream appeal.

Safety Considerations and Regulations

While semi-permanent makeup offers numerous benefits, it’s essential to prioritise safety and choose a qualified technician. Certified professionals undergo rigorous training to ensure safe and effective procedures. Additionally, regulatory standards are in place to oversee the industry and protect consumers from potential risks. Before undergoing any semi-permanent makeup procedure, it’s crucial to research the technician’s credentials and verify their compliance with regulatory guidelines.

The Future of Semi-Permanent Makeup

Looking ahead, the future of semi-permanent makeup holds exciting possibilities. Emerging trends such as ombre brows and lip blushing continue to push the boundaries of traditional techniques, offering clients more options for customisation. Technological advancements, such as digital pigmentation devices and 3D printing technology, are expected further to enhance the precision and longevity of semi-permanent makeup procedures.

However, as the industry evolves, it may face challenges such as regulatory changes and increased competition. Nonetheless, the demand for semi-permanent makeup will likely remain strong as individuals seek convenient, low-maintenance solutions to enhance their natural beauty.

Conclusion – How Semi Permanent Makeup Developed and What the Future Holds

How Semi Permanent Makeup Developed and What the Future Holds – In conclusion, the development of semi-permanent makeup has transformed the beauty industry, offering individuals a convenient and long-lasting solution for enhancing their features. This practice has evolved significantly from ancient origins to modern innovations, with advancements in technology and pigment formulations driving its popularity. As we look to the future, the possibilities for semi-permanent makeup are endless, promising continued growth and innovation in the years to come.


What is the difference between semi-permanent makeup and traditional tattooing?

Semi-permanent makeup involves depositing pigment into the skin’s dermal layer, whereas traditional tattooing penetrates deeper into the skin. Additionally, semi-permanent makeup typically fades over time, while conventional tattoos are permanent.

Is semi-permanent makeup suitable for everyone?

Semi-permanent makeup is generally safe for most individuals, but certain medical conditions or skin sensitivities may preclude some people from undergoing the procedure. It’s essential to consult a qualified technician to assess suitability and discuss potential risks.

How long does semi-permanent makeup last?

The longevity of semi-permanent makeup varies depending on skin type, lifestyle, and the specific procedure performed. On average, results can last anywhere from six months to several years before requiring touch-ups.

Are there any side effects associated with semi-permanent makeup?

While semi-permanent makeup is generally safe, some individuals may experience minor side effects such as redness, swelling, or itching following the procedure. These symptoms typically subside within a few days. Serious complications are rare but can occur if proper hygiene and aftercare instructions are not followed.

How can I find a reputable technician for semi-permanent makeup?

It’s essential to research potential technicians carefully, ensuring they have the necessary certifications and experience to perform the procedure safely. Reading reviews, asking for recommendations, and scheduling consultations can help you find a qualified professional who meets your needs.

Links To Our Services


Booking A Treatment

To make a treatment appointment or enquire about our services, please click the floating widget and fill out the contact form.

Looking For A Training Course?

We offer several micropigmentation training courses in various Dubai and Middle East locations. Courses include Semi Permanent Makeup, Eyebrow Tattooing, Lip Blush training, Medical Micropigmentation, Areola Tattooing training and Hair & Scalp Micropigmentation.

The Evolution of Beauty Enhancement Techniques

Semi Permanent Makeup Overview

Embarking on the journey to understand the supremacy of the machine method, SPMU begins with a comprehensive look at the evolution of semi permanent makeup. From its inception to the diverse techniques available today, the world of beauty enhancement has witnessed remarkable advancements.

The Rise of Machine Method SPMU

Machine method SPMU, or micropigmentation, takes the art of permanent makeup to a new level. This technique employs a specialized machine to deposit pigments into the skin, offering precision and longevity that surpasses traditional methods.

How Semi Permanent Makeup Developed and What the Future Holds

The Transformative Effects Of Micropigmentation And When To Have A Treatment

The Transformative Effects Of Micropigmentation And When To Have A Treatment. The facts to camouflage imperfections and boost confidence.

The Transformative Effects Of Micropigmentation And When To Have A Treatment

The Transformative Effects Of Micropigmentation And When To Have A Treatment


Introduction to Micropigmentation

  • Definition and Purpose
  • Evolution of Micropigmentation

Understanding the Process

  • Techniques Involved
  • Areas of Application

The Transformative Effects of Micropigmentation

  • Boosting Self-Esteem and Confidence
  • Camouflaging Imperfections
  • Restoring Facial Features

When to Consider Micropigmentation

  • Hair Loss Solutions
  • Scar Camouflage
  • Enhancing Facial Features

Choosing the Right Time for Treatment

  • Factors to Consider
  • Preparing for Micropigmentation

Risks and Considerations

  • Potential Side Effects
  • Choosing a Qualified Professional

Aftercare and Maintenance

  • Proper Healing Process
  • Longevity of Results


The Transformative Effects Of Micropigmentation And When To Have A Treatment. The facts to camouflage imperfections and boost confidence.

The Transformative Effects of Micropigmentation And When to Have a Treatment

Micropigmentation, often referred to as permanent makeup or cosmetic tattooing, has emerged as a revolutionary solution in the realm of beauty and aesthetics. This innovative procedure offers individuals a means to enhance their appearance, camouflage imperfections, and boost confidence. In this article, we delve into the transformative effects of micropigmentation and discuss when it’s ideal to consider undergoing this treatment.

Introduction to Micropigmentation

Micropigmentation involves depositing pigments into the dermal layer of the skin using specialised techniques. Initially utilised for permanent makeup applications such as eyebrow enhancement and eyeliner, micropigmentation has evolved to encompass a broader spectrum of procedures, including scalp micropigmentation, scar camouflage, and areola reconstruction.

Understanding the Process

Various techniques are employed in micropigmentation, depending on the application area and desired outcome. Standard methods include microblading, machine-based micropigmentation, and scalp micropigmentation. These techniques require precision and expertise to achieve natural-looking results.

The Transformative Effects of Micropigmentation

Boosting Self-Esteem and Confidence

Micropigmentation can significantly impact an individual’s self-esteem by addressing cosmetic concerns. Whether filling in sparse eyebrows, defining lip contours, or creating the illusion of thicker hair, micropigmentation offers a lasting solution that eliminates the need for daily makeup application.

Camouflaging Imperfections

One of the most remarkable aspects of micropigmentation is its ability to camouflage imperfections. Whether concealing scars, vitiligo patches, or uneven skin tone, micropigmentation provides a non-invasive solution that restores confidence and promotes self-acceptance.

Restoring Facial Features

For individuals experiencing hair loss due to alopecia or undergoing chemotherapy, scalp micropigmentation offers a transformative solution. By replicating the appearance of hair follicles on the scalp, this procedure restores a natural-looking hairline and provides a sense of normalcy and confidence.

When to Consider Micropigmentation

Hair Loss Solutions

Micropigmentation offers a viable solution for individuals experiencing hair loss or thinning hair. Whether addressing receding hairlines, bald patches, or alopecia, scalp micropigmentation provides a realistic and long-lasting alternative to traditional hair restoration methods.

Scar Camouflage

For those with prominent scars resulting from surgeries, accidents, or medical conditions, micropigmentation offers a means to conceal and minimise their appearance. Carefully matching pigment colours to the surrounding skin tone allows scars to be effectively camouflaged, restoring confidence and self-image.

Enhancing Facial Features

Micropigmentation can enhance facial features such as eyebrows, lips, and eyeliner. Achieving perfectly shaped eyebrows, fuller-looking lips, or defined eyes, micropigmentation offers a semi-permanent solution that enhances natural beauty and reduces the need for daily makeup application.

Choosing the Right Time for Treatment

When considering micropigmentation, several factors, including the individual’s overall health, skin condition, and lifestyle, should be considered. It’s essential to consult with a qualified micropigmentation specialist to determine the most suitable treatment plan and timing.

Risks and Considerations

While micropigmentation is generally safe and effective, there are potential risks and side effects. These may include allergic reactions, infections, and dissatisfaction with the results. It’s crucial to research thoroughly and choose a reputable and experienced professional to minimise these risks.

Aftercare and Maintenance

Proper aftercare is essential to ensure optimal healing and longevity of micropigmentation results. This may include avoiding excessive sun exposure, refraining from picking or scratching treated areas, and following any specific instructions provided by the micropigmentation specialist.


In conclusion, micropigmentation offers a transformative solution for individuals looking to enhance their appearance and confidence. Addressing hair loss, scar camouflage, or facial feature enhancement, micropigmentation provides natural-looking results that can positively impact self-esteem and quality of life.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is micropigmentation permanent?

Micropigmentation is considered semi-permanent and may require touch-up sessions to maintain optimal results over time.

Is micropigmentation suitable for everyone?

While micropigmentation is generally safe for most individuals, consulting with a qualified specialist is essential to determine suitability based on individual factors.

How long does micropigmentation last?

The longevity of micropigmentation results varies depending on factors such as skin type, lifestyle, and aftercare practices. Generally, results can last anywhere from one to five years.

Does micropigmentation require downtime?

While there may be some minor discomfort and redness immediately following micropigmentation treatment, downtime is typically minimal, allowing individuals to resume their regular activities shortly after.

Can micropigmentation be removed?

While micropigmentation is designed to be long-lasting, it can be faded or removed using laser treatments if desired.

The Transformative Effects Of Micropigmentation And When To Have A Treatment

Links To Our Services


Booking A Treatment

To make a treatment appointment or enquire about our services, please click the floating widget and fill out the contact form.

Looking For A Training Course?

We offer several micropigmentation training courses in various Dubai and Middle East locations. Courses include Semi Permanent Makeup, Eyebrow Tattooing, Lip Blush training, Medical Micropigmentation, Areola Tattooing training and Hair & Scalp Micropigmentation.

How to Choose a Semi-Permanent Makeup Treatment in Dubai, UAE

How to Choose a Semi-Permanent Makeup Treatment in Dubai, UAE. Here's a comprehensive guide on how to make the best choice in Dubai.

How to Choose a Semi-Permanent Makeup Treatment in Dubai, UAE

How to Choose a Semi-Permanent Makeup Treatment in Dubai, UAE


Introduction to Semi-Permanent Makeup

Understanding Semi-Permanent Makeup

  • What is Semi-Permanent Makeup?
  • Benefits of Semi-Permanent Makeup

Choosing a Semi-Permanent Makeup Treatment in Dubai

  • Researching the Options
  • Considering Your Preferences
  • Consulting with Professionals

Factors to Consider

  • Quality and Reputation of the Salon/Artist
  • Safety and Sanitation Measures
  • Types of Semi-Permanent Makeup Procedures Offered
  • Experience and Expertise of the Artist

Cost of Semi-Permanent Makeup

  • Understanding Pricing Structures
  • Balancing Cost and Quality

Before the Treatment

  • Preparing for the Procedure
  • Understanding the Process

Aftercare and Maintenance

  • Post-Treatment Instructions
  • Long-Term Care for Semi-Permanent Makeup

Risks and Side Effects

  • Potential Risks Involved
  • How to Minimise Risks

Customer Reviews and Testimonials

  • Importance of Feedback
  • Researching Reviews

FAQs about Semi-Permanent Makeup in Dubai

Is semi-permanent makeup safe?

How long does semi-permanent makeup last?

Can I remove semi-permanent makeup if I change my mind?

Is the procedure painful?

How do I find a reputable artist or salon for semi-permanent makeup?

How to Choose a Semi-Permanent Makeup Treatment in Dubai, UAE. Here's a comprehensive guide on how to make the best choice in Dubai.

How to Choose a Semi-Permanent Makeup Treatment in Dubai, UAE

Semi-permanent makeup has become increasingly popular in recent years, offering a convenient solution for individuals looking to enhance their features without the hassle of daily makeup application. If you’re considering semi-permanent makeup in Dubai, UAE, choosing the right treatment that suits your needs and preferences is essential. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to make the best choice.

Introduction to Semi-Permanent Makeup

Semi-permanent makeup, also known as micropigmentation or cosmetic tattooing, involves the application of pigments to the skin to enhance features such as eyebrows, lips, and eyeliner. Unlike traditional tattoos, semi-permanent makeup fades over time, typically lasting between one to three years.

Understanding Semi-Permanent Makeup

What is Semi-Permanent Makeup?

Semi-permanent makeup mimics the appearance of conventional makeup, providing long-lasting results without the need for daily application. It offers a solution for individuals with busy lifestyles or those seeking to address cosmetic concerns such as sparse eyebrows or uneven lip colour.

Benefits of Semi-Permanent Makeup

  • Saves time on daily makeup routine
  • Enhances facial features
  • Long-lasting results
  • Water and smudge-proof

Choosing a Semi-Permanent Makeup Treatment in Dubai

When selecting a semi-permanent makeup treatment in Dubai, it’s crucial to conduct thorough research and consider various factors to ensure a satisfactory outcome.

Researching the Options

Start by researching different salons or artists offering semi-permanent makeup in Dubai. Look for online reviews, portfolios of previous work, and testimonials from satisfied clients.

Considering Your Preferences

Consider your preferences regarding the desired outcome of the treatment. Whether looking for natural-looking eyebrows or a more defined lip shape, communicate your expectations clearly with the artist or technician.

Consulting with Professionals

Schedule consultations with multiple artists or salons to discuss your goals and assess their expertise. Ask questions about their experience, training, and the techniques they use to ensure they can deliver the results you desire.

Factors to Consider

Several factors should influence your decision when choosing a semi-permanent makeup treatment in Dubai.

Quality and Reputation of the Salon/Artist

Choose a reputable salon or artist with a record of delivering high-quality results. Look for certifications or affiliations with recognised organisations in the beauty industry.

Safety and Sanitation Measures

Ensure that the salon or artist follows strict hygiene practices and uses sterile equipment during the procedure to minimise the risk of infection or adverse reactions.

Types of Semi-Permanent Makeup Procedures Offered

Salons may specialise in semi-permanent makeup techniques, such as eyebrow tattooing, ombre brows, or lip blushing. Choose a treatment that best suits your preferences and aesthetic goals.

Experience and Expertise of the Artist

Opt for an artist with extensive experience and a portfolio of successful treatments. Review before-and-after photos of previous clients to gauge the artist’s skill level and consistency.

Cost of Semi-Permanent Makeup

While cost should not be the sole determining factor, it’s essential to consider your budget when choosing a semi-permanent makeup treatment. Prices may vary depending on the salon’s location, the artist’s experience, and the complexity of the procedure.

Understanding Pricing Structures

Some salons may offer package deals or discounts for multiple treatments, while others may charge a flat rate per session. Request a detailed breakdown of the costs involved to avoid any surprises.

Balancing Cost and Quality

While opting for the cheapest option may be tempting, prioritise quality and safety when choosing a semi-permanent makeup treatment. Investing in a reputable artist or salon can ensure better results and minimise the risk of complications.

Before the Treatment

Before undergoing a semi-permanent makeup procedure, there are several steps you can take to prepare and ensure a successful outcome.

Preparing for the Procedure

Follow any pre-treatment instructions provided by the salon or artist, such as avoiding certain medications or skincare products that may interfere with the procedure.

Understanding the Process

Take the time to understand the semi-permanent makeup process, including the duration of the treatment, expected results, and any potential side effects or risks involved.

Aftercare and Maintenance

Proper aftercare is crucial for maintaining the longevity and appearance of your semi-permanent makeup.

Post-Treatment Instructions

Follow the post-treatment instructions provided by the salon or artist, which may include avoiding excessive sweating, sun exposure, or certain skincare products during the healing process.

Long-Term Care for Semi-Permanent Makeup

To prolong the lifespan of your semi-permanent makeup, schedule regular touch-up appointments as recommended by your artist and follow a skincare routine that protects and nourishes the treated areas.

Risks and Side Effects

While semi-permanent makeup is generally safe, there are some risks and side effects to be aware of.

Potential Risks Involved

Possible risks include allergic reactions, infection, or dissatisfaction with the results. However, these risks can be minimised by choosing a qualified and experienced artist and following proper aftercare guidelines.

How to Minimise Risks

To minimise the risk of complications, ensure that the salon or artist adheres to strict hygiene practices, uses high-quality pigments, and conducts a thorough consultation to assess your suitability for the procedure.

Customer Reviews and Testimonials

Before committing to a semi-permanent makeup treatment, take the time to read customer reviews and testimonials to gauge the satisfaction levels of previous clients.

Importance of Feedback

Customer feedback can provide valuable insights into the quality of service, the staff’s professionalism, and the salon’s overall experience with the artist.

Researching Reviews

Look for reviews on independent platforms such as Google, Yelp, or social media channels to comprehensively understand the salon’s reputation and the artist’s skill level.

FAQs about Semi-Permanent Makeup in Dubai

Is semi-permanent makeup safe?

When performed by a qualified and experienced artist in a reputable salon, semi-permanent makeup is generally safe with minimal risks.

How long does semi-permanent makeup last?

The longevity of semi-permanent makeup varies depending on factors such as skin type, lifestyle, and aftercare routine but typically lasts between one to three years.

Can I remove semi-permanent makeup if I change my mind?

Yes, semi-permanent makeup can be removed using specialised techniques such as Rejuvi tattoo removal or saline solution tattoo removal at the time of treatment.

Is the procedure painful?

Discomfort during the procedure is minimal, and topical anaesthetics are applied to numb the treated area for a more comfortable experience.

How do I find a reputable artist or salon for semi-permanent makeup?

Research online, read reviews and ask for recommendations from friends or family members who have undergone semi-permanent makeup treatments in Dubai.

In conclusion, choosing a semi-permanent makeup treatment in Dubai requires careful consideration of various factors, including the reputation of the salon/artist, safety measures, cost, and aftercare protocols. By conducting thorough research and consulting with professionals, you can achieve natural-looking and long-lasting results that enhance your features and boost your confidence.

Links To Our Services


Booking A Treatment

To make a treatment appointment or enquire about our services, please click the floating widget and fill out the contact form.

Looking For A Training Course?

We offer several micropigmentation training courses in various Dubai and Middle East locations. Courses include Semi Permanent Makeup, Eyebrow Tattooing, Lip Blush training, Medical Micropigmentation, Areola Tattooing training and Hair & Scalp Micropigmentation.

Semi Permanent Makeup by Candice Watson

Exclusive Beauty UAE - Semi Permanent Makeup and Medical Micropigmentation Treatments Dubai

Semi Permanent Makeup by Candice Watson

Award Winning Semi Permanent Makeup

Semi Permanent Makeup (SPMU) by Candice Watson is performed to the highest level from LCAS Dubai Healthcare City. Wake up with stunning smudge free make up every day with results lasting for 2 – 3 years.


What is Semi Permanent Makeup?

Semi Permanent Makeup is a more permanent answer to applying make up every day. Pigments are implanted into the upper layers of the skin to enhance, colour and redefine the eyebrows, eyelids and lips. A variety of looks are available for both cosmetic and corrective results.

Semi permanent makeup is very similar to a tattoo however specially designed machines and equipment are used to achieve the finest details. Super fine needles are used to insert pharmaceutical grade pigments which are mixed to the individual clients requirements. Multiple sessions are required for each procedure to be implanted in the skin correctly and once completed the area should be perfect and smudge free for up to 3 years. We recommend a top up every 12 – 18 months to keep the pigment looking fresh especially in the extreme heat of the Middle East.

When performing semi permanent makeup to the delicate areas of the face it is imperative the highest standards are met. Removals are possible but costly however it is far easier to choose the best specialist available ensuring the best results. We advise you to research potential Semi Permanent Makeup specialists thoroughly and choose the best rather than the cheapest and latest deal.

We Care About You

All our micropigmentation procedures are approved by the Dubai Healthcare City (DHCC) and follow the latest international health and safety guidelines.

Make an Appointment

To make an appointment please call LCAS on +971 375 2393. Appointments are 1 hour and consultations are 15 minutes. For more information please email

Candice Watson

Candice Watson performs treatments to the highest level. Candice has almost 30 years experience in the beauty industry in the UK, USA, Europe and over 8 years in the Middle East. Candice is a true micropigmentation expert performing semi permanent makeup and medical micropigmentation to the highest industry standards.

For more information please read HERE.

Semi Permanent Makeup Deals

Dubai: Semi Permanent Makeup Deals, Dubai UAE


Semi Permanent Makeup Deals – January Offer

Exclusive Beauty are offering an amazing offer on their industry leading Semi Permanent Makeup treatments – 25% off our most popular treatments for the month of January.

Sound too good to be true? Simple go to Exclusive Beauty’s website HERE and click on the 25% offer advertisement, fill out the contact us form with your name, email, mobile number and which treatment you are interested in and that’s it! Then one of our representatives will contact you to arrange an appointment. Appointments are booked in 1 hour slots, the first 15 minutes is a consultation where you can decide to go-ahead with the treatment or not. If you decide not to then the consultation, as always, is free.

A link to contact form can also be found HERE.

Can’t make an appointment in January? Simply fill out the form and submit to us in January. You can then specify an appointment in February and the discount will apply. We must receive the contact form in January and you must agree an appointment time when we call for the January – Semi Permanent Makeup Deals will apply.

Choose from:

  • Semi Permanent Eyelash Enhancement
  • Semi Permanent Eyebrow
  • Semi Permanent Eyeliner
  • Semi Permanent Lip Line
  • Semi Permanent Lip Blush
  • Semi Permanent Lip Colour

Each Semi Permanent Make Up treatment purchased includes:

Eyebrows, Eyes, and Lip Line – 2 x 1 hour treatments (initial treatment + 1 top up)

Lip Blush and Full Lip Colour – up to 4 x 1 hour treatments (initial treatment + 1 – 3 top ups)

Top ups must be performed 4-6 weeks after initial treatment.

Semi permanent make up appointments are limited so please book early

Exclusive Beauty’s January offer, part of our Semi Permanent Makeup Deals.

To qualify for the 25% discount the CONTACT FORM must be filled out and sent to us. A representative will then contact you either via email or phone to arrange an appointment time.

Exclusive Beauty, Experts in Semi Permanent Make Up and Medical Micropigmentation. Exclusive Beauty was established in 2009 by Candice Watson who is an expert at micropigmentation and semi permanent make up.

25% off Semi Permanent Make Up





Semi Permanent Make Up or Cosmetic Tattooing?

Semi Permanent Make Up or Cosmetic Tattooing?


Semi Permanent Make Up or Cosmetic Tattooing? Micropigmentation or Permanent Make Up? There are lots of names for the same process. Exclusive Beauty gives you the essential facts required when choosing a Semi Permanent Make Up treatment.

Everyone likes to look good and feel good so we dedicate time and effort everyday achieving this. What if there was a long term solution via a short cut? Of course everyone would do it right? Semi Permanent Make Up or Cosmetic Tattooing can free up valuable time with your makeup routine however when the word “Tattoo” is involved people tend to be put off!

The mainstream view is tattoos are painful, they are for life, and if it goes wrong you are in a mess

The mainstream view is tattoos are painful, they are for life, and if it goes wrong you are in a mess so of course making the decision to have a tattoo on your face where you can’t hide it is a big one and needs to be carefully considered.

If you are one of those ladies (or gentlemen) considering cosmetic tattooing and semi permanent make up then here is some advice on what you need to know:

Q. How is Semi Permanent Make Up, Micropigmentation or Cosmetic Tattooing different to standard tattoos?

A. Semi Permanent Make Up, Micropigmentation or Cosmetic Tattooing are different names for the same thing. The confusion or area where people are misled is the word “Tattoo”.

Everyone’s preconception of the word tattoo usually is of body tattoos which are permanent and last a lifetime. Body tattoos use cheap machines, cheap needles, and cheap pigments. All do what they are required to do however body tattoo pigments are implanted much deeper into the skin and spread over time, blurring the once crisp tattoo lines, with all colour pigments eventually turning blue due to how the pigments are made – with blue hue as there base colour.

When it comes to Semi Permanent Make Up and Cosmetic Tattooing, all is different.

Of course it is only natural that anyone considering semi permanent make up are nervous as they think “Someone’s going to tattoo my face!” When you think of tattoos you think of faded turquoise uneven pictures on ageing sailors which is enough to make anyone think twice but actually semi permanent make up and permanent body tattoos couldn’t be more different.

Semi Permanent Make Up Pigments

Semi Permanent Make Up Pigments are totally different to body tattoo pigments. Make up pigments are designed to degrade over time, this means there will be none of the nasty blue hue that you get from old body tattoos (body tattoo ink is indelible and blue is the only colour that stays in the skin forever.) No semi permanent make up pigments contain blue. Not even the blue has a blue hue in it.


With SPMU the pigment is placed only into the upper EPIDERMIS layer of the skin so as the skin cells naturally ex-foliate the pigment is expelled causing the pigment to fade over time. Permanent body tattoo pigments are implanted deeper into the DERMIS layer where the cells are more stable allowing the tattoo to last a lifetime. Most semi permanent make up treatments will last between 2 and 5 years depending on skin conditions and exposure to UV rays. A touch up is required after 18 – 24 months to keep the pigment looking fresh. After 5 years semi permanent make up pigments will pretty much fade out of the skin completely.

Is Semi Permanent  Make Up Painful?

The pain of a permanent body tattoo is immensely painful, I (Candice Watson) had a very small one myself years ago and likened it to a burning hot knife being sliced through my skin. Semi permanent make up is nothing like it. Numbing cream is applied initially to minimise any pain. The feeling when the treatment is performed is usually likened to waxing or plucking of hair which as we all know, is nothing compared to other treatments we put ourselves through.

Semi Permanent Make Up Training

Body Tattoo Artists and Semi Permanent Make Up Technicians go through a completely different training process. Semi permanent make up technicians are required to know colour theory, the structure of the face, skin tone matches and many other skills including interpreting client’s wishes correctly and to be mindful of our patients.

There are many differences between body tattoos and semi permanent make up treatments, here is a little insight into the main and most important ones to remember

What Are The Risks?

As with any sort of tattoo, semi permanent make up or body tattoo, there are certain risk factors to take into consideration.

Infection And Disease

Going to a poorly qualified or unprofessional technician, who doesn’t operate under the most hygienic practices, can leave you open to infections and blood diseases such as Hepatitis, Septicaemia and HIV. Stick to certified and reputable technicians and check that they hold the correct licenses to practise with the correct permits.

Choosing A Specialist

Common sense is key. Specialist follow the rules. Treatments should be performed in a controlled environment like a treatment room at a spa, salon or medical facility to control health and safety standards including the movement of blood spores etc. Technicians who work out of their homes or visit your home are not be permitted to do so in the UAE. There is no control over their standards so should not be used. Technicians who have been recommended by others is often a good sign, also do you homework and research online.

Who Chooses The Colour And Shape?

At your consultation you should decide on the shape and colour that you want, your technician or specialist will advise you of this based on their experience and training and the shape is usually drawn on with a makeup pencil and agreed before the treatment commences. Going to an unqualified or inexperienced technician can leave you open to the risk of not getting what you asked for. Mistakes can happen and often do due to poor training or experience tattooing the facial area. Once the pigment is applied it is possible to remove however a course of treatments are required to remove and correct which equals far more than paying a little extra for the best treatments you can find.

Note: If you require semi permanent make up removals or body tattoo removal then Exclusive Beauty offer a very effective solution that withdraws the pigment from the skin. A word of caution, laser tattoo removal especially on the face can often push the pigment further into the skin, spreading the pigment instead of removing. Please contact us for further information regarding Removals.

Always choose recommended and experienced technicians, the greater the experience the better.

Don’t go with unusual fads or trends, what will you do 6 months down the line when it is no longer the fashion to have “spock” eyebrows!? Pick classic shapes and a colour that suits your hair and skin tone, you can always fill in with make up for a more dramatic look.


You get what you pay for is a very old but very true saying especially with semi permanent make up treatment costs.

The investment in Semi Permanent Make Up is not small, but DO NOT be tempted by cheaper deals or the latest ‘great offer’. Higher cost usually equals more experience and you definitely want someone experienced to perform a treatment to your face, especially when that treatment could impact on your look for at least the next 2 years.

We cannot emphasise this enough, if you want a semi permanent make up treatment done right don’t do it on the cheap. The majority of problems we encounter are due to 1. as a result of either bad workmanship on the part of the technician so poorly trained or lack of experience, and 2. the client not been given the correct aftercare instructions again from poor training and experience of the technician. Choose your technician carefully and you will avoid these potentially costly issues.


There are so many reasons why people lose their eyebrows, from simply over plucking when they were younger, to the chemicals or harshness of washing water (particularly in the UAE) to having a medical condition such as Alopecia or Cancer. Having your eyebrows tattooed is a great way to frame your face and get a great shape to your brow. The most popular technique used nowadays by reputable and high quality micropigmentation professionals is called Hair Stroke or Feathering technique. These techniques apply pigment to mimic an individual hair achieved by using super fine needles. Each individual hair is applied with a combination of 2-3 different coloured pigments to achieve a meticulous and very natural result.

The latest technique for semi permanent eyebrows is “The 3D Eyebrow”. A combination of shading and hair strokes to give a three dimensional finish, a perfect solution for someone who has lost all or almost all of their eyebrow hair and want a very natural look.

Semi Permanent Eyebrows have an end result of being as natural or as dramatic as you like, this is a matter of personal preference and should be discussed with your technician at the consultation.


Who doesn’t want great looking lips!

Semi permanent lip treatments cover a variety of needs from defining your lip shape or reshape an uneven lip by applying a natural contour line. To Full lip colour  where a wash of pigment is applied to the whole lip using either a natural or bold colour. Semi permanent make up for lips can also correct uneven or discoloured lips due to smoking or other reasons.

Semi permanent lip colour is a great solution to redefine lip lines and to give a fuller look.

As an added benefit, having a semi permanent lip treatment will naturally plump your lips slightly as the technique helps to promote natural collagen. For special occasions you can achieve your perfect pout and colour with no lipstick bleeding and all you have to do is apply some gloss or balm before you go out.

Semi permanent lip colour really is a perfect solution for everyday use.

Eyeliner and Eyelash Enhancement

Again as with the other treatments available for semi permanent make up, there are several reasons why someone would want to have Eyeliner or Eyelash Enhancement. Both treatments can be subtle or more defined. A little bit of definition or colour on their lash line? or to achieve much more dramatic eyes? or simply to have something there if the lashes have fallen out or become very sparse. Semi Permanent Eyelash or Eyeline treatment is a simple yet effective procedure with lovely results, it is also a great treatment for those who have sensitive eyes and allergies to normal make up.

So, is having semi permanent make up worth it? We think so! A recap of the benefits:

  • No more makeup!
  • No tinting
  • No plucking
  • No brow gels
  • No bleeding lipsticks
  • No smudged eyebrows and eyeliner (especially in our UAE climate).

You can swim, go to the gym, sunbath, all without having to reapply make up every 5 minutes. People won’t know you have had a procedure, it looks natural and perfect if done correctly.

Wake up with perfect brows and make up! Save money, no more eyebrow, lip and eyeliner pencils to buy! The perfect solution for problem brows and lips!

Get In Touch

Having a semi permanent make up may sound like a drastic step but it is one of the fastest growing treatments in the world today. More and more people have started realising the benefits of semi Permanent Make Up. If you think you are ready to take the next step to an easier life or want to find out more contact us today.

To make an appointment please call +971 4 375 2393 or email

For more on our Semi Permanent Make Up Procedures please see our main page HERE.

Get 25% off in January 2016 on our Semi Permanent Make Up treatments, click HERE for details.

Semi Permanent Makeup Reviews

Semi Permanent Makeup Reviews


We recommend to always do your homework and read as many semi permanent makeup reviews as you can

Semi permanent makeup reviews vary throughout Dubai and the Middle East. In order to obtain a clear understanding of the level of treatment you will receive prior to literally sitting in the chair is challenging. We recommend to always do your homework and read as many semi permanent makeup reviews as you can and where possible, research the specialist who will perform the treatment.

Candice Watson of Exclusive Beauty performs all semi permanent make up and medical micropigmentation treatments to the highest level available in the Middle East. Candice’s skill is unmatched and we pride ourselves in using only the best equipment to ensure the very best treatment.

Candice has over 25 years working in the beauty industry and has worked and trained as a semi permanent make up specialist on Harley Street London. Candice moved to Dubai in 2009 to set up Exclusive Beauty and perform Harley Street standard semi permanent make up treatments to the region.

When checking Semi Permanent Makeup Reviews, be sure to check the specialist’s health and safety standards

When checking Semi Permanent Makeup Reviews, be sure to check the specialist’s health and safety standards. These should always be a major factor in any treatment where blood spores are evident. Exclusive beauty insist that the strictest health and safety standards are followed. All equipment is covered and needles are disposable and are used once per treatment.

We have heard stories of people being asked to keep the needles used for their top up procedure. If this happens to you then you are with the wrong ‘specialist’.

The correct term is semi permanent make up which uses more refined equipment able to perform ultra fine hair strokes to the delicate areas of the face.

Permanent make up should never be totally permanent. Body tattoos are permanent and use cheaper and more aggressive equipment and pigments implanted much deeper into the skin.

The correct term is semi permanent make up which uses more refined equipment able to perform ultra fine hair strokes at more subtle depths to the delicate areas of the face. Semi permanent pigments are implanted into the upper dermal layer of the skin.  Each semi permanent makeup treatment should last 2 or 3 years. This is due to the strength of the sun and UV rays in the region. After 3 years the pigment fades or is expelled naturally from the skin hence the correct term of semi permanent.

We recommend a top up treatment every 18 – 24 months to keep the pigment looking fresh.

Candice Watson_Dubai Semi Permanent Make Up Dubai UAE
Candice Watson of Exclusive Beauty

All semi permanent make up treatments should consist of two treatments – one treatment at your consultation and a top up usually 3 – 4 weeks later. Lip colour and blush occasionally require more than 1 top up.

Candice Watson of Exclusive Beauty worked and trained on Harley Street, London and is exceptional at semi permanent make up treatments.  Candice is also one of the few specialists in the UAE who is qualified to perform medical micropigmentation treatments so you can rest assured her treatments are some of the best in the region.

All treatments are performed in the London Centre for Aesthetic Surgury (LCAS) and meet all current Dubai Municipality guidelines.

For more information and costs for our range of semi permanent make up treatments please email

To make an appointment please call LCAS on 04 375 2393.

To discuss Semi Permanent Makeup Reviews or for advice on semi permanent make up treatments including medical micropigmentation treatments please email

Beauty Machine Supplier

Beauty Machine Supplier



To contact us please click HERE or email

It is often difficult to choose a beauty machine supplier given the vast amount of companies currently advertising on the internet. We at Exclusive Beauty are a beauty machine supplier who endeavours to supply high quality systems to the Middle East. We offer market leading support and training from our head office in Dubai which is very different to other beauty machine supplier.

Exclusive Beauty’s key systems are:

  • HFS – Hair Follicle Simulation
  • Sculpt Face Rejuvenation System
  • Sculpt Cryo 4 & Cryo Lite – Fat Freezing Systems

HFS Hair Follicle Simulation is the must have treatment to camouflage baldness and hair loss. Using a unique application roller, multiple micro blades implant pigment into the scalp giving the appearance of more hair follicles. These new hair follicles cover the scalp and mimic the look of a thicker head of hair.

HFS Hair Follicle Simulation gives amazing results with only one application. Multiple treatments are required to ensure the pigment is applied correctly to the skin. Treatments use semi permanent pigments which lasts for 2 – 3 years. A top up is recommended every 18 months to keep the colour looking fresh.

We at Exclusive Beauty are a beauty machine supplier who endeavours to supply high quality systems to the Middle East market.

Sculpt Face Rejuvenation System is one of our best sellers. This system actually makes women (and men) look younger. A cream like solution containing high levels of collagen is gentle applied into the skin. This injection of collagen plump fine lines and reduces wrinkles to give a more youthful look. Treatment areas include the face, neck and back of hands.

Sculpt Face Rejuvenation stimulates your natural collagen stores and will not scar or snag the skin. The gentle treatment will not distress healthy skin and unlike other skin needling treatments, redness will subside within 30 MINUTES leaving skin visibly improved.

Our Sculpt Cryo 4 and Cryo Lite Systems are very effective systems at freezing fat. Stubborn areas of fat are gently frozen and dissolved in only one 45 minute treatment.

Cryogenic Lipolysis (Cryolipolysis) is the latest and most powerful method of fat removal with permanent results. Cryogenic Lipolysis breaks down fatty tissues by gently warming and rapidly cooling/freezing specific fatty areas whilst leaving surrounding tissues intact.

The cooling/freezing process of Cryogenic Lipolysis stimulates the natural Lipolysis of fatty tissues which is then dispelled naturally through the body.

For more details on all the systems listed please click on the relevant link or email

Semi Permanent Make Up Dubai UAE

Semi Permanent Make Up specialists based in Dubai, UAE


Candice Watson performs semi permanent make up to the highest standards in the Middle East.  Candice worked and trained on Harley Street London for over 15 years before setting up Exclusive Beauty in Dubai in 2009. Since then Candice has expanded Exclusive Beauty to include the Sculpt brand of face and body systems.

I moved to Dubai in 2009 and set up Exclusive Beauty to perform permanent make up treatments to the same standard as I used to do on Harley Street locally in the region.

At Exclusive Beauty we only use the best semi permanent make up machine on the market with the highest grade of needles and pigments. Our needles are a similar width to actual hair so there is less trauma to the skin which when coupled with our industry leading machine equals a more comfortable experience for all our permanent make up procedures. Treatments include:

* Semi Permanent Eyebrow
* Semi Permanent Eyeliner
* Semi Permanent Lip Line
* Semi Permanent Full Lip Colour
* Semi Permanent Lip Blush
* Semi Permanent Beauty Spot application

Semi permanent make up treatments last between 2 and 5 years depending on how the skin reacts to the pigment and exposure to the sun and UV rays. In Europe our treatments last around 5 years, in the Middle East as the sun is much stronger we recommend a top up treatment 18 – 24 months after the initial course of treatments. Each treatment course usually consists of an initial treatment and 1 top up, this allows the pigment to properly implanted into the skin and give the best look possible. For lip treatments sometimes more than 1 top up may be required.

In addition to our market leading semi permanent make up treatments we offer medical micropigmentation treatments including scar camouflage, tattoo removals and areolae reconstruction. The same high standards are achieved by using market leading equipment coupled with Candice’s exceptional skill.

Please contact for more details.

* Semi Permanent Make Up also known as Permanent Make Up, SPMU, PMU and Micropigmentation last for 2 to 5 years depending on conditions.

New Face Rejuvenation System

Turn back time using the revolutionary new Sculpt Face Rejuvenation System by Exclusive Beauty, the Harley Street Specialists, Dubai UAE


Our bespoke face rejuvenation system gentle micro needling to stimulate natural collagen with instant results for:

  • reducing acne & scars
  • reducing fine lines & wrinkles
  • anti ageing
  • improving appearance
  • instant glow

Sculpt Face Rejuvenation System (FRS) is a new skin needling package that delivers incredible results and repairs your skin. Why FRS? Face Rejuvenation System stimulates your natural collagen stores and will not scar or snag the skin. The gentle treatment will not distress healthy skin and unlike other skin needling treatments, redness will subside within 1 – 2 hours leaving skin visibly improved.

EB Face Rejuvenation System


Our Sculpt Face Rejuvenation system shows visible results after only one treatment. Look younger with more fuller and healthier looking skin.

To book a demonstration please contact

Sculpt Face Rejuvenation System by Exclusive Beauty LLC PO Box 75971 Dubai UAE. Head Office - Silicon Oasis Tel: +971 4 326 2822 Opt 4.