Dubai: Permanent Eyeliner, Dubai UAE

Permanent Eyeliner, Dubai UAE. Get this expert treatment by Candice Watson in Dubai Healthcare City. Perfect Eyeliner lasting up to 3 years!

Dubai: Permanent Eyeliner, Dubai UAE
by Exclusive Beauty UAE, the Harley Street Semi Permanent Make Up specialists.
Email for appointments and more information.

Permanent Eyeliner is a must to enhance the look of your eyes.  Said to be the window of the soul, make sure your eyes look their best, whatever the occasion!
Insist on the best, insist on Exclusive Beauty UAE!

Why Permanent Makeup is the Go-To Choice for Your Eyeliner


Introduction to Permanent Makeup

  • Definition and explanation.
  • Rising trend in cosmetic procedures.

Understanding Permanent Eyeliner

  • What is permanent eyeliner?
  • Different techniques and styles.

Benefits of Permanent Eyeliner

  • Time-saving aspect.
  • Enhancing natural beauty.
  • Long-lasting results.

Safety and Risks

  • Importance of choosing a qualified professional.
  • Possible risks and side effects.

Cost Considerations

  • Initial investment versus long-term savings.
  • Factors influencing the cost.

Preparation and Aftercare

  • Pre-procedure guidelines.
  • Post-procedure care tips.

Comparing Permanent Eyeliner with Traditional Methods

  • Differences in application and results.
  • Pros and cons of each method.

Personalised Experience

  • Tailoring the eyeliner to individual preferences.
  • Consultation process.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Common queries about permanent eyeliner.


  • Recap of the benefits and considerations.
  • Encouragement for informed decision-making.

Why Permanent Makeup is the Go-To Choice for Your Eyeliner

In recent years, permanent makeup has gained significant popularity, revolutionising the beauty industry with its convenience and long-lasting results. Among the various permanent makeup procedures, permanent eyeliner stands out as a go-to choice for many individuals seeking to effortlessly enhance their eyes’ appearance.

Permanent eyeliner, also known as cosmetic tattooing or micropigmentation, involves the application of pigment along the lash line to create a defined and long-lasting eyeliner effect. Unlike traditional makeup that requires daily application and touch-ups, permanent eyeliner offers a semi-permanent solution that can last for years with proper care.

Understanding Permanent Eyeliner

Permanent eyeliner utilises specialised techniques to deposit pigment into the skin’s dermal layer, creating a subtle or bold eyeliner look, depending on the client’s preference. Common styles include natural enhancement, winged liner, and smudged effect, with thickness and colour intensity variations.

Benefits of Permanent Eyeliner

One of the primary reasons individuals opt for permanent eyeliner is its time-saving aspect. With permanent makeup, there’s no need to spend valuable time each morning applying eyeliner, making it ideal for busy lifestyles. Moreover, permanent eyeliner enhances natural beauty by defining the eyes and making them appear more prominent, even without additional makeup.

Additionally, permanent eyeliner offers long-lasting results, eliminating the need for frequent touch-ups. Unlike traditional makeup that can smudge or fade throughout the day, permanent eyeliner maintains its crisp appearance, providing a round-the-clock definition.

Safety and Risks

While permanent eyeliner offers numerous benefits, it’s essential to prioritise safety and choose a qualified professional for the procedure. Improper application or unsanitary conditions can increase the risk of adverse reactions, such as infection or allergy. Therefore, thorough research and consultation are crucial before undergoing permanent makeup procedures.

Cost Considerations

The cost of permanent eyeliner can vary depending on various factors, including the technician’s expertise, geographical location, and desired style. While the initial investment may seem significant compared to traditional makeup products, the long-term savings and convenience outweigh the upfront cost for many individuals.

Preparation and Aftercare

Before a permanent eyeliner procedure, clients are typically advised to avoid certain activities and medications that can thin the blood or increase the risk of bleeding. Additionally, following the procedure, proper aftercare is essential to ensure optimal healing and long-lasting results. This may include avoiding sun exposure, refraining from rubbing the eyes and applying recommended ointments or creams.

Comparing Permanent Eyeliner with Traditional Methods

Several differences become apparent when comparing permanent eyeliner with traditional methods, such as pencil or liquid eyeliners. While traditional eyeliners offer flexibility in application and removal, they require daily maintenance and are prone to smudging or fading. On the other hand, permanent eyeliner provides a hassle-free solution that maintains its appearance regardless of activities or weather conditions.

Personalised Experience

One of the key advantages of permanent eyeliner is its ability to be tailored to individual preferences. Clients can discuss their desired eyeliner style, colour, and intensity during a consultation with a qualified technician, ensuring a personalised experience that complements their unique features and preferences.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is permanent eyeliner painful?

  • While discomfort during the procedure is possible, technicians often use topical numbing agents to minimise pain.

How long does permanent eyeliner last?

  • Permanent eyeliner can last several years, with occasional touch-ups recommended to maintain vibrancy.

Can I choose the thickness and style of my permanent eyeliner?

  • Yes, clients can work with their technicians to customise their permanent eyeliner’s thickness, style, and colour to suit their preferences.

Are there any risks associated with permanent eyeliner?

  • Like any cosmetic procedure, there are risks, including infection, allergic reactions, and dissatisfaction with the results. However, choosing a qualified and experienced technician can minimise these risks.

How long is the recovery period after getting permanent eyeliner?

  • The initial healing period typically lasts one to two weeks, during which clients may experience mild swelling, redness, and flaking. Complete healing and final results may take several weeks.


In conclusion, permanent eyeliner offers a convenient and long-lasting solution for enhancing the appearance of the eyes without the hassle of daily makeup application. With its time-saving benefits, personalised experience, and minimal maintenance requirements, permanent eyeliner has become the go-to choice for individuals seeking to define and accentuate their eyes effortlessly.

Permanent Eyeliner, Dubai UAE. Get this expert treatment by Candice Watson in Dubai Healthcare City. Perfect Eyeliner lasting up to 3 years!

Permanent Eyeliner Dubai

Links To Our Services


Booking A Treatment

To make a treatment appointment or enquire about our services, please click the floating widget and fill out the contact form.

Looking For A Training Course?

We offer several micropigmentation training courses in various Dubai and Middle East locations. Courses include Semi Permanent Makeup, Eyebrow Tattooing, Lip Blush training, Medical Micropigmentation, Areola Tattooing training and Hair & Scalp Micropigmentation.

Dubai: Smudge Free Make Up to beat the Summer Heat

Exclusive Beauty UAE - Semi Permanent Makeup and Medical Micropigmentation Treatments Dubai

Dubai: Smudge Free Make Up to beat the Summer Heat

Dubai: Smudge Free Make Up to beat the Summer Heat

Call 04 349 2800 or email for more details.

Dubai: Smudge Free Make Up to beat the Summer Heat. Call 04 349 2800 or email for more details.

The Harley Street Semi Permanent Make Up Specialist Exclusive Beauty UAE is now available in Dubai, Abu Dhabi and the UAE.
Our complete range of smudge-free makeup is perfect for the region’s summer months. Look great all day and night, whatever the occasion or situation. Save valuable time in the mornings or before that important lunch date or evening event.

Semi-permanent Makeup treatments include Eyelash Enhancement, Eyeliner, Eyebrow Enhancement, Lip Liner, Full Lip Blush, and Full Lip Colour. Each treatment lasts between 2 and 5 years, so it is worth the money in time saved alone.
Call 04 349 2800 or email for more details.

Links To Our Services


Booking A Treatment

To make a treatment appointment or enquire about our services, please click the floating widget and fill out the contact form.

Looking For A Training Course?

We offer several micropigmentation training courses in various Dubai and Middle East locations. Courses include Semi Permanent Makeup, Eyebrow Tattooing, Lip Blush training, Medical Micropigmentation, Areola Tattooing training and Hair & Scalp Micropigmentation.

The Evolution of Beauty Enhancement Techniques

Semi Permanent Makeup Overview

Embarking on the journey to understand the supremacy of the machine method, SPMU begins with a comprehensive look at the evolution of semi permanent makeup. From its inception to the diverse techniques available today, the world of beauty enhancement has witnessed remarkable advancements.

Microblading: Usine A Manual Blade

Microblading, a widely-known technique, involves manually implanting pigment into the skin to create semi-permanent eyebrows. While it has been a go-to for many, the limitations and nuances of microblading have paved the way for more advanced alternatives.

The Rise of Machine Method SPMU

Machine method SPMU, or micropigmentation, takes the art of permanent makeup to a new level. This technique employs a specialised machine to deposit pigments into the skin, offering precision and longevity that surpasses traditional methods.

The Benefits of Semi Permanent Makeup

Semi Permanent Makeup in Everyday Life

One key advantage of semi-permanent makeup is its ability to simplify and streamline daily beauty routines. By waking up with makeup already in place, individuals can save precious morning time, allowing for more efficient and stress-free mornings.

Time-saving aspect

In today’s fast-paced society, time is a valuable commodity. Semi-permanent makeup offers a time-saving solution for individuals with busy schedules who still want to look their best without spending hours in front of the mirror.

Enhanced Confidence

Semi-permanent makeup can also significantly boost self-confidence and self-esteem. For individuals with sparse eyebrows, uneven lip colour, or faint lash lines, semi-permanent makeup provides a natural-looking enhancement that enhances facial features and creates a more polished appearance.

Natural-looking results

Unlike traditional makeup, which can sometimes look heavy or unnatural, semi-permanent makeup is designed to mimic the appearance of natural hair strokes, lip colour, or eyeliner. The result is a subtle enhancement that enhances one’s natural beauty without looking overly made-up.

Makeup Tattooing Dubai Abu Dhabi

Exclusive Beauty UAE - Semi Permanent Makeup and Medical Micropigmentation Treatments Dubai

Makeup Tattooing Dubai Abu Dhabi

Makeup Tattooing Dubai Abu Dhabi

Makeup Tattooing Dubai Abu Dhabi. We achieve great results, freeing up your daily ritual of applying make-up in Dubai and Abu Dhabi.

By Exclusive Beauty, the Harley Street Specialists based in Dubai.  Please call 04 349 2800 or email for more details.

Make Up Tattooing is going through a transformation in Dubai and Abu Dhabi
No longer should you have painful treatments to achieve what you were hoping for. We achieve great results, freeing up your daily ritual of applying make-up.

Exclusive Beauty offers one of the best services in the region. We adhere to current UK health and safety guidelines. More importantly, use one of the best SPMU (semi-permanent make-up) machines currently on the market. These machines are coupled with super-fine needles that enable hair-stroke pigments implanted in the skin. All these make the whole process as comfortable as possible.

The process is not entirely pain-free. The process has been likened to having your eyebrows waxed. The benefits of smudge-free make-up for between 2 and 5 years far outweigh the minor discomfort felt.

Exclusive Beauty offers several SPMU treatments to Harley Street standards, including Eyelash Enhancement, Eye Liner, Eyebrow Enhancement, Lip Line, Full Lip Colour and Lip Blush.

Exclusive Beauty is an expert in tattoo removal and medical micropigmentation; for more details, please email or call 04 349 2800.

Dubai: Wow Brows | Semi Permanent Make Up

Exclusive Beauty UAE - Semi Permanent Makeup and Medical Micropigmentation Treatments Dubai

Dubai: Wow Brows | Semi Permanent Make Up

Dubai: Wow Brows | Semi Permanent Make Up

Dubai: Wow Brows | Semi Permanent Make Up. Thicker Brows are the hottest look at the moment, from the runway to the red carpet, couture look!

WOW Brows
Brows are the Beauty Industry’s new obsession!

Call 04 349 2800 for appointments or email for more details.
We have moved from nails and lips to the most transformative feature – Brows!
According to those in ‘the know’…thin is no longer in… However, definition is as important as ever.

Thicker Brows are the hottest look at the moment, from the runway to the red carpet – thick brows make your face appear more youthful as they create a softened, couture look!
A softly groomed, thicker brow is like having a facelift instantly! The results can be astonishing!
Get your fantastic ‘WOW Brows’ tattooed by Candice Watson of Exclusive Beauty…
…What a difference a brow makeover makes!
Not ready for Semi-Permanent Makeup? Try our Dynamic Brows treatment at several locations in Dubai. Call 04 349 2800 for appointments or email for more details.

Links To Our Services


Booking A Treatment

To make a treatment appointment or enquire about our services, please click the floating widget and fill out the contact form.

Looking For A Training Course?

We offer several micropigmentation training courses in various Dubai and Middle East locations. Courses include Semi Permanent Makeup, Eyebrow Tattooing, Lip Blush training, Medical Micropigmentation, Areola Tattooing training and Hair & Scalp Micropigmentation.

The Evolution of Beauty Enhancement Techniques

Semi Permanent Makeup Overview

Embarking on the journey to understand the supremacy of the machine method, SPMU begins with a comprehensive look at the evolution of semi permanent makeup. From its inception to the diverse techniques available today, the world of beauty enhancement has witnessed remarkable advancements.

Microblading: Usine A Manual Blade

Microblading, a widely-known technique, involves manually implanting pigment into the skin to create semi-permanent eyebrows. While it has been a go-to for many, the limitations and nuances of microblading have paved the way for more advanced alternatives.

The Rise of Machine Method SPMU

Machine method SPMU, or micropigmentation, takes the art of permanent makeup to a new level. This technique employs a specialised machine to deposit pigments into the skin, offering precision and longevity that surpasses traditional methods.

The Benefits of Semi Permanent Makeup

Semi Permanent Makeup in Everyday Life

One of the key advantages of semi-permanent makeup is its ability to simplify and streamline daily beauty routines. By waking up with makeup already in place, individuals can save precious time in the mornings, allowing for more efficient and stress-free mornings.

Time-saving aspect

In today’s fast-paced society, time is a valuable commodity. Semi-permanent makeup offers a time-saving solution for individuals with busy schedules who still want to look their best without spending hours in front of the mirror.

Enhanced Confidence

Semi-permanent makeup can also significantly boost self-confidence and self-esteem. For individuals with sparse eyebrows, uneven lip colour, or faint lash lines, semi-permanent makeup provides a natural-looking enhancement that enhances facial features and creates a more polished appearance.

Natural-looking results

Unlike traditional makeup, which can sometimes look heavy or unnatural, semi-permanent makeup is designed to mimic the appearance of natural hair strokes, lip colour, or eyeliner. The result is a subtle enhancement that enhances one’s natural beauty without looking overly made-up.


Dubai: Semi Permanent Makeup | Older Clientèle | Dubai UAE

Dubai: Semi Permanent Makeup | Older Clientèle | Dubai UAE

Dubai: Semi Permanent Makeup | Older Clientèle | Dubai UAE

For appointments, email for more details.

Performing semi-permanent makeup (or make-up tattooing) treatments on older Clients is always more challenging than working with younger skin.

Skin tends to pucker and wrinkle as you age, particularly around the lip and eye area. Suppose your SPMU technician has no experience or training working with ageing skin. In that case, the treatment may result in migrated colour (colour that spreads unevenly in the skin, a similar effect to blotting paper), or uneven, blotchy lines in both the eyeliner or lipliner.

Candice Watson has over 20 years of experience in Semi-Permanent Makeup and Medical Micropigmentation. She trained and worked on Harley Street, London, and performed every treatment to the highest level.

Candice has undertaken specific training in applying SPMU to older skin types and in all other areas of SPMU and Medical Tattooing.

So, if you have mature skin and are looking to enhance and perfect your natural beauty without worrying about your technician’s capabilities, contact Exclusive Beauty for your complimentary consultation.

You’ve worked hard in the skin you’re in… treat it to the best!  Treat it to Exclusive Beauty!

Dubai: Semi Permanent Makeup | Older Clientèle | Dubai UAE. Performing treatments on older skin is always more challenging than younger skin.

Links To Our Services


Booking A Treatment

To make a treatment appointment or enquire about our services, please click the floating widget and fill out the contact form.

Looking For A Training Course?

We offer several micropigmentation training courses in various Dubai and Middle East locations. Courses include Semi Permanent Makeup, Eyebrow Tattooing, Lip Blush training, Medical Micropigmentation, Areola Tattooing training and Hair & Scalp Micropigmentation.

The Evolution of Beauty Enhancement Techniques

Semi Permanent Makeup Overview

Embarking on the journey to understand the supremacy of the machine method, SPMU begins with a comprehensive look at the evolution of semi-permanent makeup. From its inception to the diverse techniques available today, the world of beauty enhancement has witnessed remarkable advancements.

Microblading: Usine A Manual Blade

Microblading, a widely-known technique, involves manually implanting pigment into the skin to create semi-permanent eyebrows. While it has been a go-to for many, the limitations and nuances of microblading have paved the way for more advanced alternatives.

The Rise of Machine Method SPMU

Machine method SPMU, or micropigmentation, takes the art of permanent makeup to a new level. This technique employs a specialised machine to deposit pigments into the skin, offering precision and longevity that surpasses traditional methods.

The Benefits of Semi Permanent Makeup

Semi Permanent Makeup in Everyday Life

One key advantage of semi-permanent makeup is its ability to simplify and streamline daily beauty routines. By waking up with makeup already in place, individuals can save precious morning time, allowing for more efficient and stress-free mornings.

Time-saving aspect

In today’s fast-paced society, time is a valuable commodity. Semi-permanent makeup offers a time-saving solution for individuals with busy schedules who still want to look their best without spending hours in front of the mirror.

Enhanced Confidence

Semi-permanent makeup can also significantly boost self-confidence and self-esteem. For individuals with sparse eyebrows, uneven lip colour, or faint lash lines, semi-permanent makeup provides a natural-looking enhancement that enhances facial features and creates a more polished appearance.

Natural-looking results

Unlike traditional makeup, which can sometimes look heavy or unnatural, semi-permanent makeup is designed to mimic the appearance of natural hair strokes, lip colour, or eyeliner. The result is a subtle enhancement that enhances one’s natural beauty without looking overly made-up.

Dubai: The National – Semi Permanent Make Up Dubai UAE

Dubai: The National – Semi Permanent Make Up Dubai UAE

Dubai: The National – Semi Permanent Make Up Dubai UAE
For Semi Permanent Make Up appointments, please get in touch with 04 349 2800 or email

Dubai: The National - Semi Permanent Make Up Dubai UAE. For Semi Permanent Make Up appointments, please email

Links To Our Services


Booking A Treatment

To make a treatment appointment or enquire about our services, please click the floating widget and fill out the contact form.

Looking For A Training Course?

We offer several micropigmentation training courses in various Dubai and Middle East locations. Courses include Semi Permanent Makeup, Eyebrow Tattooing, Lip Blush training, Medical Micropigmentation, Areola Tattooing training and Hair & Scalp Micropigmentation.

The Evolution of Beauty Enhancement Techniques

Semi Permanent Makeup Overview

Embarking on the journey to understand the supremacy of the machine method, SPMU begins with a comprehensive look at the evolution of semi-permanent makeup. From its inception to the diverse techniques available today, the world of beauty enhancement has witnessed remarkable advancements.

Microblading: Usine A Manual Blade

Microblading, a widely-known technique, involves manually implanting pigment into the skin to create semi-permanent eyebrows. While it has been a go-to for many, the limitations and nuances of microblading have paved the way for more advanced alternatives.

The Rise of Machine Method SPMU

Machine method SPMU, or micropigmentation, takes the art of permanent makeup to a new level. This technique employs a specialised machine to deposit pigments into the skin, offering precision and longevity that surpasses traditional methods.

The Benefits of Semi Permanent Makeup

Semi Permanent Makeup in Everyday Life

One key advantage of semi-permanent makeup is its ability to simplify and streamline daily beauty routines. By waking up with makeup already in place, individuals can save precious morning time, allowing for more efficient and stress-free mornings.

Time-saving aspect

In today’s fast-paced society, time is a valuable commodity. Semi-permanent makeup offers a time-saving solution for individuals with busy schedules who still want to look their best without spending hours in front of the mirror.

Enhanced Confidence

Semi-permanent makeup can also significantly boost self-confidence and self-esteem. For individuals with sparse eyebrows, uneven lip colour, or faint lash lines, semi-permanent makeup provides a natural-looking enhancement that enhances facial features and creates a more polished appearance.

Natural-looking results

Unlike traditional makeup, which can sometimes look heavy or unnatural, semi-permanent makeup is designed to mimic the appearance of natural hair strokes, lip colour, or eyeliner. The result is a subtle enhancement that enhances one’s natural beauty without looking overly made-up.

Dubai: Permanent Make Up Dubai

Dubai: Permanent Make Up Dubai
The Harley Street Permanent Make Up Specialists based in Dubai UAE.  Please call +971 4 349 2800 for appointments or email for more details.

Permanent Make Up Dubai

Permanent Make Up Dubai
The Harley Street Permanent Make Up Specialists based in Dubai UAE.  Please call +971 4 349 2800 for appointments or email for more details.


Dubai: Permanent Make Up Dubai & Abu Dhabi

Dubai: Permanent Make Up | Dubai | Abu Dhabi
Exclusive Beauty UAE – The Harley Street Specialists in Semi Permanent Make Up now based in the UAE.  Call 04 3492800 for more details.
Back to school Exclusive!
Exclusive Beauty’s Semi Permanent Make Up Specialist, Candice Watson continues to broaden her Professional Development.
With over 20 years experience on the Harley Street, London, Candice knows the importance of refresher training and keeping up to date with the latest trends and developments in Semi Permanent Make Up and Medical Micropigmentation to ensure her clients get the best treatment possible.
Candice is currently attending the Biennial Cosmetic & Medical Tattooing Seminar in London, UK.
Here are a few of the lectures that Candice is attending:

Tattoo Removal – Updated Techniques
Tattoo removal on the face is often avoided because it is deemed too risky. Learn to use a saline and micro needling technique which is safe, effective and offers a solution where no other exists. You are able to achieve good results on very small areas.

One Pass Lips

A new technique which will ensure your liplines will be clear and visible. There will be no loss of stencil, colour will be even and you will be able to create perfect lip liner every time.

Working with Older Clients

Often the clients who would benefit the most from Eyebrow, Eyeliner and Lip treatments present the most challenging canvases to work on. Discover a technique which helps you to create crisp, precise, ‘no leeching’ effects on aged and wrinkled skin.

Hairloss and Alopecia

Understand what causes hairloss and how to create a realistic treatment plan which will not affect any future hair growth. Learn how to adapt your basic techniques to create wonderful eyebrows, eyeliner, hairline, scalp camouflage, infilling patches of hairloss. These techniques can be used on both men and women.
Safe Pigments

The importance of safe, regulated pigments.
MicropigMENtation –Male Procedures

More men are coming forward for treatments. The artistry used with male clients differ across a range of procedures. Procedures for male brow, guyliner, scalp and areolas.

Peel, Heal and Micro Needling for Wrinkles
You can use needling techniques to improve the appearance of wrinkles. RegimA’s Peel & Heal product is made from Natural Fruit Acids and is able to be used on all skin types and all year round. We have formulated a menu of treatments including a 6 session Skin Rejuvenation programme that you can offer to your clients.

Creating Double Colour Eyeliner

Learn how to blend the right colours and create a more defined, beautifully shaded eye. Avoid creating ‘stripes of eyeliner’ along with techniques to apply thicker eyeliner and avoid migration of pigment.

Improving Areola Tattooing Techniques
A careful guide to techniques used for marking, placement, correction and implantation.
Burn and Scars – Successful Techniques
Burns survivors skin can be tricky to work with and often the pigment heals with intense colour or will not hold in the skin. The effects of good implantation and technique can be life changing.

Wow Brows
Brows are the mainstay of most technicians business. Create
brows like Nigella or a Kardashian using placement, shape and colour.
Old school block brows may be back but the techniques are new school. Make sure your clients brows are Wow and Now!
Candice will be back in Dubai on the 23rd June, for appointments please call 04 3492800 or email