Dubai Look Great for the Summer Months

Dubai Look Great for the Summer Months

Dubai Look Great for the Summer Months with permanent makeup (SPMU) by the Harley Street Specialists based in Dubai, UAE.

Dubai: Look Great for the Summer Months with permanent makeup (SPMU) by the Harley Street Specialists based in Dubai, UAE.  Please email for more details.

Look great all summer with our Semi Permanent Makeup (SPMU) service. Choose from Eyebrow Enhancement, Eyeliner, Eyelash Enhancement, Lip Liner, Full Lip Blush or Full Lip colour.
New to Dubai!  Two Tone Eyeliner!  Why have just one colour of eyeliner when you can have two?   New treatment straight from Harley Street.  The hottest new SPMU treatment to hit Dubai and Abu Dhabi.

Don’t risk ruining your look in the summer heat.

All treatments are performed by Harley Street-trained Specialists.

Insist on the best, insist on Exclusive Beauty!


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Looking For A Training Course?

We offer several micropigmentation training courses in various Dubai and Middle East locations. Courses include Semi Permanent Makeup, Eyebrow Tattooing, Lip Blush training, Medical Micropigmentation, Areola Tattooing training and Hair & Scalp Micropigmentation.

Dubai Look Great for the Summer Months

Dubai Semi Permanent Make Up – Choose the correct specialist

Dubai Semi Permanent Make Up – Choose the correct specialist!

Dubai Semi Permanent Make Up - Choose the correct specialist! To avoid all the fuss and worry of inferior treatments, call someone you trust.

To avoid all the fuss and worry of inferior treatments, call someone you can trust to perform semi-permanent make-up to Harley Street standards; contact Exclusive Beauty by email for more details.

Candice Watson is quoted in The National Newspaper’s article on Plastic Surgery Nightmares by Tahira Yaqoob and Jemma Nicholls Jul 9, 2011

“There is not enough regulation at the moment,” says Candice Watson of the Dubai salon Exclusive Beauty. When she arrived here two years ago, she provided the college certificates and personal verification statements from previous employers that were part of the Ministry of Health and Dubai Health Authority requirements for getting a practitioner’s permit. But Watson says an exam supposed to rigorously weed out flawed candidates involved her being asked one question about skin types and being given the once-over.

She says 70 per cent of her patients come in for correction work after botched jobs elsewhere.
“It is awful; I have people coming in tears because they do not know what to do,” she says. “One woman had a green nose because she wanted to camouflage her skin, and the pigment changed colour. It is very hard to check the credentials of whoever is treating you.”

For the full article, click on the link or read below.

Plastic surgery nightmares

Tahira Yaqoob and Jemma Nicholls Jul 9, 2011
Kirsten Miller never wanted a dramatic transformation.
All she wanted was to look like herself, but better – a little enhancement around her eyes to make them stand out so she would not have to worry about going into the swimming pool with a bare face or wasting too much time in the mornings applying make-up.
Instead, she has been left scarred and traumatised by what should have been a simple procedure, a semi-permanent eyeliner tattooed around her eyes.
Now, every morning is spent layering on even more products than before in a bid to cover the unsightly blotches and uneven lines she has been left with.
“The whole point of having this procedure was to save me time, but in reality, I now worry about it more than I used to and spend each day patching it up, hoping it starts to fade,” says Miller. “I am faced with extra costs to try to correct the work I had done and have been advised it is too risky to treat the inside corners of my eyes, which could take five years to fade or potentially lead to permanent scarring.”
She is not alone. Health authorities in the UAE deal with complaints every year about botched jobs, unregistered practitioners and flawed practices.
A convoluted licensing process, laws that are tricky to enforce and the fact that those coming to work in 1,000 plastic surgery clinics in Dubai, plus a handful springing up in Abu Dhabi, have usually trained overseas with qualifications hard to check mean that there are numerous hurdles in monitoring those practising in the country.
Little wonder there are horror stories. In 2008, a 27-year-old Emirati woman who paid Dh90,000 for liposuction died a few days later. Another woman ended up in a coma after having a facelift and liposuction.
Then there was Steven Moos, the discredited American doctor who posed as a top Hollywood surgeon and operated on his kitchen table, butchering the women who queued up for his Dh500 treatments.
Conditions at his flat in Dubai were so basic that fat removed during liposuction was stored in cooking pots and water bottles. His patients claimed he had operated on them using unsterilised kitchen utensils.
Moos was eventually jailed and deported to the US. But Dr Ramadan Ibrahim, the director of health regulations for Dubai Health Authority, has admitted the system is flawed.
“Without complaints, it is very difficult to know who and where we should be targeting,” he previously told The National. He says such cases are rare: “Regulations are much better now and are getting tougher. We are aware there are some problems in clinics, so we have increased the number of inspections we are doing.”
Laws will be tightened in September when only those operating in clinics under the supervision of a dermatology doctor will be allowed to carry out treatments such as semi-permanent make-up, Botox, laser hair removal and micro-needling. Last year, the Ministry of Health introduced stricter criteria for cosmetic surgeons, and there are regular spot-checks on practices.
But is enough being done to regulate those operating in the Emirates? And what action can be taken to ensure that problems such as those that occurred under Moos do not happen again?
“There is not enough regulation at the moment,” says Candice Watson of the Dubai salon Exclusive Beauty. When she arrived here two years ago, she provided the college certificates and personal verification statements from previous employers that were part of the Ministry of Health and Dubai Health Authority requirements for getting a practitioner’s permit. But Watson says an exam supposed to rigorously weed out flawed candidates involved her being asked one question about skin types and given the once-over.
She says 70 per cent of her patients come in for correction work after botched jobs elsewhere.
“It is awful; I have people coming in tears because they do not know what to do,” she says. “One woman had a green nose because she wanted to camouflage her skin, and the pigment changed colour. It is very hard to check the credentials of whoever is treating you.”
That is something Kirsten Miller learned, to her dismay. She contacted Dubai Surgery Center to ask for her eyeliner treatment and was put in touch with Susan Summers, one of the beauticians registered with the website.
Miller, 38, a secretary for Aramco petrol company in Saudi Arabia, booked a Dh2,000 treatment and flew to Dubai in April last year. But when she took a taxi to the address provided, she was shocked to discover it was a residential apartment in Al Barsha.
According to Miller, Summers explained that she mainly worked from home, a practice Miller has since discovered is illegal. With a growing sense of unease, she sat on the chaise longue in one corner of the living room and had the eyeliner tattooed.
“I felt I had been put on the spot and could not say I did not want to do it any more, plus I had flown all the way there,” Miller says. “As she was doing the bottom lid, she said: ‘I will go right into the inside corner’ without checking with me first. I had not wanted the line to go that far, but I could do nothing about it.”
Despite two subsequent treatments, the liner that should have appeared black turned grey and formed uneven lines over the lids and unsightly blotches in the corners of her eyes. Summers told her the pigment was “not taking” and went over the patches with a skin colour, which then took the appearance of a shiny scar as it was a different colour from Miller’s skin.
Unhappy with her treatment, Miller complained to Dubai Surgery Center, which initially blamed “an excess acidity level in the skin” and then denied responsibility, saying Summers was sponsored by a separate clinic.
While Summers offered Miller a full refund and a follow-up treatment with a specialist, the secretary was terrified of doing further damage to her appearance and refused. She has since sought advice from dermatologists in the UK, who all say they would not tattoo the inside corners of the eyes because of the risk of the pigment spreading or damaging the tear ducts.
Summers, who was suspended by Dubai Surgery Center in the wake of the incident and is now living in Australia, says in an e-mail to M magazine that she worked from home “knowing it was not entirely legal”. She says she did so as her patients were too embarrassed to sit in waiting rooms “being stared at by other patients” and to save them “undue distress”.
When contacted by M, Jennifer King of Dubai Surgery Center claimed Miller’s treatment was “normal”. She said the practice was a website run from the UK, adding, “Our non-disclaimer on the site makes it very clear we are not responsible for qualifications”.
Miller’s case is a cautionary tale, but the point is not whether her grounds for complaint are justified. It raises the much more disturbing question of who is liable when things go wrong.
With the woman who treated her having left the country and the clinic she booked her through denying responsibility, what recourse do patients such as Miller have to protect themselves?
In a city where appearances are all-important, Miller is not alone in seeking treatments to transform her look. On a drive down Al Wasl Road, it seems every other building houses a plastic surgery outlet. The availability of cheap treatments and the abundance of clinics means those who might not have considered surgery in their homeland are tempted to experiment with self-improvement.
It is thought that many of Moos’s victims were aware he was not a real doctor but went ahead with surgery because he was so cheap. They were not to know they would pay a much heavier price with the emotional trauma caused by his disfiguring operations.
Dr Maurizio Viel, a leading cosmetic surgeon from the London Centre for Aesthetic Surgery, says: “As surgery becomes more readily available to the masses, more people are tempted. With some groups of women, we see cosmetic surgery treated like a candy store or as easy as buying lipstick over the counter. Patients must remember they are dealing with their bodies and should do their homework.”
Some of the botched jobs Viel has seen include liposuction, where the surgeon has operated too close to the skin, creating waves on the surface; unequal amounts of fat removed from different sides of the body; oversized breast implants inserted; and a flawed facelift that left the patient partially paralysed.
“It is not because of a lack of legislation as the UAE has rules and regulations, but untrained professionals who are hard to control are operating under the radar,” he says. “Often nothing is heard about them until something goes wrong. There are also unethical doctors agreeing to perform unnecessary surgery on patients or surgical procedures which are not their strength.”
Dr Najm Khan, a consultant plastic surgeon at EuroMed clinic in Dubai, says “cowboys” slip through the net in the UAE because practices outsource and recruit doctors who are not based here, then leave after operating with no aftercare or follow-up.
“There is no general medical council or governing body, and there are separate licences for each emirate rather than a uniform system,” he says. “There should be a system of malpractice where patients can go to make a formal complaint, and an organisation is set up to investigate.”
Lara Tarakjian, the executive director of Silkor beauty clinics, does not offer cosmetic surgery at her outlets in the UAE; instead, 400 patients a year fly to Lebanon for operations such as rhinoplasty and liposuction.
“Ninety per cent of our doctors there are trained in Lebanon, so it is very easy to do background checks,” she says. “That is difficult here where so many different nationalities are trained in different places.”
On the popular forum, a search for discussions about cosmetic surgery fields numerous threads, from those asking for recommendations to women rejoicing over their treatments. Few, if any, seem concerned about the safety procedures and checks in place. But considering how often things can go wrong, perhaps they should start asking.
Eight tips on cosmetic surgery
1. Word of mouth is the best recommendation. Good surgeons and doctors are well-known, and often the same names come up.
2. See two or three surgeons to better understand the procedure you are about to undertake and to ensure you are comfortable with the person treating you.
3. A good surgeon will explain the risks and benefits. Every surgery carries risks, and it is important patients decide for themselves whether to take them.
4. Ask many questions and, most importantly, about the procedure for dealing with complications.
5. Take time to think about whether it is right for you.
6. Ask to speak to previous patients and research their background and what equipment was used on them. Most surgeons should have a portfolio of their work with “before” and “after” photos.
7. Cheapest is not always the best. Do not be fobbed off by cheaper products.
8. Make sure machines are covered in the film and fresh needles are used to meet hygiene standards.

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Looking For A Training Course?

We offer several micropigmentation training courses in various Dubai and Middle East locations. Courses include Semi Permanent Makeup, Eyebrow Tattooing, Lip Blush training, Medical Micropigmentation, Areola Tattooing training and Hair & Scalp Micropigmentation.

Dubai: Harley Street Permanent Make Up Treatments

Permanent Make Up Treatments Dubai UAE

Permanent Make Up Treatments Dubai UAE

Dubai: Harley Street Permanent Make Up Dubai UAE Treatments. Receive the same quality of permanent make-up treatment locally in Dubai.

Dubai: Harley Street | Permanent Make-Up Treatments

The Benefits of Permanent Makeup: Enhancing Beauty with Confidence

Permanent Make Up Treatments Dubai UAE – Discover the myriad benefits of permanent makeup, from saving time on daily routines to boosting self-esteem. Explore how this innovative cosmetic procedure can redefine your beauty regimen effortlessly.

Introduction: Permanent Make Up Treatments Dubai UAE

In today’s fast-paced world, time is of the essence, especially when it comes to our daily beauty routines. Fortunately, permanent makeup offers a revolutionary solution, allowing individuals to enhance their natural features effortlessly. This article delves into the extensive benefits of permanent makeup, exploring how it can streamline your beauty regimen while boosting your confidence and self-esteem.

1. Understanding Permanent Makeup

Permanent makeup, also known as micropigmentation, is a cosmetic technique that involves implanting pigments into the skin’s dermal layer. This procedure mimics the appearance of conventional makeup, such as eyeliner, lip liner, and eyebrow pencil, but with long-lasting results.

2. Achieving Time Efficiency

With the hectic pace of modern life, many individuals find it challenging to allocate time for elaborate makeup routines. Permanent makeup offers a time-saving solution, eliminating the need for daily application and touch-ups. Imagine waking up each morning with perfectly defined brows, luscious lips, and captivating eyeliner, ready to seize the day without the hassle of extensive application.

3. Enhancing Natural Beauty

Permanent makeup is not about masking one’s features but accentuating natural beauty. A skilled technician can enhance your best features by carefully selecting pigments that complement your skin tone and facial structure, resulting in a subtle yet striking transformation. Whether you desire fuller lips, defined eyebrows, or mesmerising eyes, permanent makeup can help you achieve your aesthetic goals with finesse.

4. Boosting Self-Confidence

Confidence is critical to making a lasting impression; permanent makeup can significantly enhance self-assurance. By waking up each day with flawless makeup, individuals experience a newfound sense of confidence and empowerment. Whether attending a professional meeting or a social gathering, knowing that you look your best can instil a sense of poise and charisma.

5. Restoring Lost Features

For individuals who have undergone medical procedures or experienced conditions that have altered their appearance, such as chemotherapy or alopecia, permanent makeup can be a transformative solution. From recreating eyebrows lost to illness to restoring lip colour and definition, micropigmentation can help individuals regain their identity and confidence.

6. Long-lasting Results

Unlike traditional makeup, which requires frequent daily reapplication, permanent makeup offers long-lasting results. While individual experiences may vary, the effects typically endure for several years before needing a touch-up. This durability ensures you can enjoy your enhanced features without the constant upkeep of conventional cosmetics.

7. Customised Solutions

One of the most significant benefits of permanent makeup is its versatility and customisation options. Whether you prefer a natural, understated look or a more dramatic, glamorous aesthetic, a skilled technician can tailor the procedure to suit your preferences. From selecting the perfect pigment shades to determining the ideal shape and intensity, every aspect of the process is personalised to reflect your unique style and personality.

8. Minimal Maintenance

Gone are the days of carrying around an arsenal of makeup products for touch-ups throughout the day. With permanent makeup, minimal maintenance is required to preserve your flawless appearance. A simple skincare routine and periodic touch-ups are needed to ensure long-lasting results, allowing you to focus on more critical aspects of your life confidently and efficiently.

9. Enhancing Active Lifestyles – Permanent Make Up Treatments Dubai UAE

Permanent makeup offers unparalleled convenience for individuals with active lifestyles, such as athletes or outdoor enthusiasts. Whether swimming, exercising or simply braving the elements, you can enjoy waterproof, smudge-proof makeup that remains intact. Say goodbye to makeup mishaps and hello to effortless beauty, no matter where life takes you.

10. Safe and FDA-Approved

Contrary to common misconceptions, permanent makeup is a safe and FDA-approved cosmetic procedure by a licensed and experienced professional. Before the procedure, thorough consultations and skin sensitivity tests are conducted to ensure suitability and minimise potential risks or complications.

11. Cost-Effective Investment

While the initial cost of permanent makeup may seem significant, it is ultimately a cost-effective investment in your overall well-being and confidence. Consider the time and money spent on conventional makeup products over the years, not to mention the frustration of constant reapplication and touch-ups. With permanent makeup, you can enjoy long-lasting results and significant savings in the long run.

12. Empowering Choice

Permanent Make Up Treatments Dubai UAE – Ultimately, the decision to undergo permanent makeup is personal, driven by individual preferences and lifestyle considerations. Whether you are seeking to streamline your beauty routine, enhance your natural features, or regain lost confidence, permanent makeup offers a transformative solution that empowers individuals to look and feel their best every day.

The Benefits of Permanent Makeup: Frequently Asked Questions

How long does permanent makeup last?

Permanent makeup typically lasts several years before requiring a touch-up, although individual experiences may vary based on skin type and lifestyle.

Is permanent makeup safe?

When performed by a licensed and experienced professional, permanent makeup is a safe and FDA-approved cosmetic procedure. Prior consultations and skin sensitivity tests are conducted to ensure suitability and minimise potential risks.

Does permanent makeup look natural?

Yes, permanent makeup is designed to enhance natural features subtly. By carefully selecting pigments that complement your skin tone and facial structure, a skilled technician can achieve natural-looking results that enhance your beauty without appearing overdone.

Can I still wear traditional makeup with permanent makeup?

Yes, permanent makeup serves as a complement to traditional makeup rather than a replacement. You can still wear conventional cosmetics or switch up your desired look for special occasions.

Is permanent makeup painful?

While discomfort may be experienced during the procedure, most individuals tolerate it well. Topical anaesthetics are applied to minimise pain, and lingering sensations typically subside quickly after the procedure.

How much does permanent makeup cost?

The cost of permanent makeup varies depending on the specific procedure, the technician’s experience and expertise, and geographic location. It is advisable to consult with a licensed professional for personalised pricing information.


In conclusion, the benefits of permanent makeup are vast and varied, offering individuals a convenient, long-lasting solution to enhance their natural beauty. From saving time on daily makeup routines to boosting self-confidence and empowering personal expression, permanent makeup has the potential to transform lives in profound ways. By choosing a skilled and experienced technician, individuals can enjoy the numerous advantages of permanent makeup while looking and feeling their best every day.

Why search for less expensive permanent make-up treatments in the region?

Our prices are less expensive than Harley Street, but with our Harley Street specialist, you will receive the same quality of permanent make-up treatment locally in Dubai and Abu Dhabi.
The region has suffered for too long with inferior, expensive permanent make-up treatments, resulting in poor results and unnecessary pain and discomfort.

Insist on the best, and insist on Exclusive Beauty!
Email for appointments and more information.

Permanent Make Up Treatments Dubai UAE

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Booking A Treatment

To make a treatment appointment or enquire about our services, please click the floating widget and fill out the contact form.

Looking For A Training Course?

We offer several micropigmentation training courses in various Dubai and Middle East locations. Courses include Semi Permanent Makeup, Eyebrow Tattooing, Lip Blush training, Medical Micropigmentation, Areola Tattooing training and Hair & Scalp Micropigmentation.

Dubai: Want Cheap Semi Permanent Make Up?

Dubai: Want Cheap Semi Permanent Make Up?

Dubai: Want Cheap Semi Permanent Make Up?

Email for appointments and more information.

Is it always better to go for cheaper when thinking of having a Semi-Permanent Makeup treatment? We all like a bargain and eagerly seek discounts, but when it comes to your face and appearance, is this the way to go?

Dubai: Want Cheap Semi Permanent Make Up? We all like a bargain and discounts, but when it comes to your appearance, is this the way to go?

Exclusive Beauty UAE isn’t the cheapest provider of semi-permanent make-up in the region. Still, we do offer the highest quality of treatment with associated health and safety requirements currently in the region to Harley Street standards.
Our prices are less expensive than Harley Street’s, but with our Harley Street specialist, you will receive the same quality of treatment. Why spend extra money on flights and hotel stays when the same service is available in Dubai and Abu Dhabi?
Of course, you will find cheaper services in Dubai and Abu Dhabi, but this will be with low-quality pigments (colours) and machines which will cause more trauma to the skin and more pain, along with possibly inexperienced and underqualified therapists, all of which could result in unsightly blue or green migrated (washed) colours in the face and unattractive, un-natural results which will last for years.

Is this worth chasing a cheaper deal?

Insist on the best, and insist on Exclusive Beauty! Email for appointments and more information.